Sample Recruitment Email


My name is [_Name_] and I'm passionate about getting money out of politics!

In a couple weeks, a rugged band of walkers (including myself!) will be walking for democracy—and we are walking right by your location on [_Date_] (you will be able to track our GPS location as we walk live on our site)! It’s going to be big, and we would like your organization to be a part of it!

Since we will be walking right in front of your establishment, will you partner with us by spreading the news of the Walk (copied below) to your email list, social media, website, newsletter, and/or blog? Even something as simple as letting us put up a sign or flyer on your property, or just asking your customers to come out to wave at us as we walk by, will mean a lot to us! We would also be eager to promote your organization as a partner in our social media and blogs as well.

Please email me back to let me know if there is some way you can help us spread the word. I will stop into your location or call you soon to say hi! Of course, we are strictly non-partisan and do not support or oppose any party or candidate.

Thank you so much for your time--I look forward to talking with you!

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