Press Release: Campaign Finance Reformers United to Walk Across New Hampshire

This press release was delivered to media outlets across the nation and along the route: 



January 6, 2014

Contact: Szelena Gray
[email protected] 

Campaign Finance Reformers Unite to Walk Across New Hampshire

Manchester, NH - On January 11, 2014, 15 years after Granny D began her heroic and memorable walk, campaign finance reform activists will begin walking across New Hampshire from Dixville Notch, NH to Nashua, NH, recruiting as many citizens to this cause as they can. The walk will end in Nashua, NH on January 24th, Granny D's birthday. Along the way, well-known reformers will join the cause, such as Governor Buddy Roemer, Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig, Cenk Uygur, and many others.

New Hampshire is in a unique position to restore integrity, transparency, and responsibility to a broken and corrupt political system. The NH Rebellion is a movement to leverage that opportunity. The facts are simple: New Hampshire holds the first presidential primary, the voters of New Hampshire are fiercely independent, and New Hampshire is one of the only states that has an express right of the people to revolution within its Constitution. These three facts have led to the launch the NH Rebellion

"New Hampshire is where I kicked off my campaign for president because I knew the New Hampshire voter cared about the issues of corruption and campaign finance reform. For the continuation of our Republic, we must make the issue of corruption the number one issue during the next presidential election, and it starts in New Hampshire," said Governor Buddy Roemer.

"Restoring free and fair elections in America is the number one issue because it affects all other issues. Until we reform the way we elect people to Congress, our federal government will continue to be dysfunctional and incapable of solving the vital challenges we face as a country," stated Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks. "It is our generation's greatest responsibility to create a separation of wealth and state by removing private money from public elections. Elections should be free of the corrupting influence of excessive spending by outside interests and fair enough that any citizen can run for public office, not just millionaires, lobbyists, and their allies.  As one of the first Presidential Primary states as well as potentially one of the first states calling for a convention of the states to propose an amendment to the Constitution, New Hampshire can lead the way and help ignite a populist brushfire rebellion that will sweep across our country, restoring representative democracy all along the way." 

"15 years after Granny D started a walk across America for "campaign finance reform," and John McCain a campaign in New Hampshire to fight a "system of corruption” in DC, we’re counting on the walk to continue the campaign. America needs finally to address this issue effectively. We believe New Hampshire is the key," expressed Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig.

To learn more about the NH Rebellion please visit: You can also follow us on Twitter @nhrebellion and on Facebook at:

Event Schedule

Hanover, N.H. Event on January 9th

North Conway, N.H. Event on January 15th

Concord, N.H. Event on January 21st

Manchester, N.H. Event on January 22nd

Nashua, N.H. Event on January 24th

Walk Schedule

Day One: Jan 11
Dixville Notch outside of the Balsams Grand Resort Hotel
Dixville Notch ---> Akers Pond Inn
Total Mileage: 10 miles
Rte: 16  

Day Two: Jan 12
Akers Pond (Errol) ---> Milan
Total Mileage: 23 miles
Rte: 16

Day Three: Jan 13
Milan --->Gorham
Total Mileage: 14.5 miles
Rte: 16  

Day Four: Jan 14  
Gorham --->Pinkham Notch Lodge
Total Mileage: 10.6 miles 
Rte: 16

Day Five: Jan 15
Pinkham Notch Lodge --->North Conway
Total Mileage: 17.3 miles 
Rte: 16
Event: Yes (TBD)  

Day Six: Jan 16
North Conway --->Tamworth
Total Mileage: 19.1 miles
Rte: 16 -- Rte 113

Day Seven: Jan 17
Tamworth ---> Meredith
Total Mileage: 21.1 miles
Rte: 113, Rte 25 

Day Eight: Jan 18
Meredith ---> Laconia 
Total Mileage: 9.8 miles
Rte: 106

Day Nine: Jan 19
Laconia ---> Canterbury Shaker Village 
Total Mileage: 12.6 miles 
Rte: 106, Shaker Road

Day Ten: Jan 20
Shaker Village ---> Concord
Total Mileage: 12 miles
Rte: Shaker Road

Day Eleven: Jan 21
Concord (Day off)      
Total Mileage: 0.0  
(1) Concord Rotary Lunch, 12 noon
(2) UNH Law School

Day Twelve: Jan 22
Concord ---> Manchester
Total Mileage: 16.7 miles
Event: New Hampshire Institute Of Politics at St. Anselm College

Day Thirteen: Jan 23
Manchester ---> Merrimack
Total Mileage: 10.2
Rte: Various 

Day Fourteen: Jan 24
Merrimack ---> Nashua
Total Mileage: 7.6
Rte: US 3 (Daniel Webster Highway)
Event: Nashua March Finale Event: Granny D's Birthday Celebration: Remembering Granny D

