Year Two, Day One

Dixville Notch Route Day 1: Dixville Notch to Errol
11 miles, 35 walkers

From Lessig's Tumblr

It was a (relatively) short, beautiful first day walking, from Dixville Notch to Errol, NH — just about 11 miles, with none of the sleet or ice that we suffered last year.

There were couple dozen on the road, including a bunch who had come up from Cambridge in the morning especially in honor of Aaron Swartz, Including Tim Berners Lee, and Aaron’s brother, Noah, with friends. The team this year includes an astrophysicist, a grad student from Hong Kong who had experienced the September protests, my cousin from Wisconsin (who just ran for state rep, and lost by 64 votes to an opponent supported by a dark money superpac) and an incredible number from last year back. 

We ended the night with everyone recounting why they were there. In some important way, we are here because of what happened 2 years ago tonight. 

We have 20 miles in the snow tomorrow. Early night.