PLEASE NOTE NEW VENUE: NHTI - Concord's Community College. Same time: 1-5 pm.
The right to vote is among the most fundamental of our constitutional rights. However, partisan gerrymandering has created an electoral system that allows politicians to choose their voters, rather than voters choosing their politicians. Both Republican and Democratic legislators have engaged in gerrymandering, drawing lines that effectively give more weight to the voters of one party than the other. As a result, our system no longer operates according to the principle of “one person, one vote,” and our state legislatures and Congress do not fairly and honestly represent the electorate. It is time to restore one person, one vote in our state. The New Hampshire legislature will once again draw district lines in 2021. New Hampshire’s voters must demand that candidates running for the legislature in 2018 and 2020 commit to support fair, non-partisan redistricting.
The sponsors are pleased to announce a forum for New Hampshire citizens to learn about action they can take to restore honest districting in this state. The afternoon begins with a keynote speech by Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Or.), an advocate for independent, citizen-led redistricting. The program includes panels addressing national and state redistricting issues, featuring political, legal, and historical perspectives. The program will conclude with a panel focused on political organization and action as we head into the 2018 election season.
Sponsors: Capital Coalition, Open Democracy, New Hampshire Progress Alliance, America Votes New Hampshire, Granite State Progress.
31 College Dr
Concord, NH 03301
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