Nashua Area Rebels:
This coming Monday, Dec. 28, join the NH Rebellion in handing out "million dollar bills" and collecting We the People Pledge signatures at a Trump event in Nashua. There is likely to be 1,000+ attendees at the rally, so we're leveraging Trump's position against Super PACs and the legislator-to-lobbyist revolving door to get more conservative support. This is part of our effort to get Fight Big Money pledges from 10,000 NH voters!
MEET at 4:30 P.M. We'll meet at the Pennachuck Middle School at 4:30 P.M., as near to the entrance as we can. We're doing our "Hundred Dollar Bill" costumes, and Paul Revere will be there, too. If you're not in costume, you'll get a NH Rebellion yellow vest, a clipboard, and a stack of million dollar bills to hand out as people go in. I have two passes, so anyone who wants to go in with me and try to collect signatures inside is welcome. The doors open at 5 P.M. and the rally starts at 7 P.M.
Pennichuck Middle School - 207 Manchester Street Nashua, NH 03064 - View Map
IF YOU CAN HELP, please send an email to Brian Beihl, [email protected]/