Milford: Granny D: The Power of One

Throughout October, communities across New Hampshire will be treated to performances of “Granny D: The Power of One” a play which portrays the efforts of one woman to draw attention to the need for campaign finance reform and her contention that money in politics had betrayed our representative democracy.  

The play chronicles the 1998 cross country walk, at age 89, by Doris ‘Granny D’ Haddock, a lifelong New Hampshire activist, from Santa Monica, CA to Washington, D.C.  The trek included crossing more than 1,000 miles of desert, climbing the Appalachian Range in blizzard conditions, and even skiing 100 miles after an historic snowfall made roadside walking impossible. 

Actress and playwright Dixie Tymitz brings Haddock and her legendary feat to life.  Tymitz, who received Haddock’s blessing for the project, quickly worked to study her subject’s mannerisms.  Reflecting on what inspired her she joked, “Doris ruined my life as it was, because I never could say again that I was too old to make a difference. She was as willing to give her life as any soldier. I feel compelled to tell her story.” 

The performance is sponsored by Monadnock Progressive Alliance, PACE (Promoting Active Civic Engagement) and NH Rebellion a project of Open Democracy. Open Democracy, initially founded by Haddock, is a non-partisan organization working to reduce the corrupting influence of money in politics to ensure an equal voice for all. Olivia Zink, Executive Director, said “The Power of One project is a legacy of ‘Granny D.’  We are continuing her work to restore democracy and ‘escort the bullhorns of big money from the room.’”

For more information about the performances, contact Olivia Zink (603) 715-8197


October 20, 2017 at 7:00pm - 9pm
UU Church
20 Elm St
Milford, NH 03055
United States
Google map and directions
Olivia Zink · · 603-715-8197
Ann Putnam Laura Lynch Maria Krasinski Michelle Scott

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