Some of the various mentions of the New Hampshire Rebellion in local and national media:
- New Hampshire Media
- Letters to the Editor
- National Media
- International Media (English)
- International Media (Other Languages)
- Blogs, Podcasts, & Advocacy Pages:
New Hampshire Media:
The Nashua Telegraph: [EDITORIAL] A Long March To Rebellion.
If you’re cynical about government and think that our politicians are bought off by the super-rich and special interests, this may be the cause for you. If you think our representatives should put the interests of the country before their own re-election, you may want to get in on this.
The Nashua Telegraph: NH Campaign Reform March Underway; 'Granny D' celebration Jan. 24 in Nashua
NASHUA – Carrying memories of renowned corruption fighter Doris “Granny D” Haddock and Internet-freedom champion Aaron Swartz in their hearts and minds, a posse of social activists intent on shedding light on the “system of corruption” in Washington is headed to Nashua from Dixville Notch – on foot.
The Nashua Telegraph: [EDITORIAL] [Sen.] Ayotte's company worth paying for
As described in a Page 1 story in Monday’s New York Times, lobbyists shelled out thousands of dollars to spend large chunks of time with [Sen. Kelly] Ayotte, (R-NH) using a loophole in the law to underwrite a luxury weekend at the Deer Valley Resort. In this case, the suggested donation to “Friends of Kelly Ayotte” was $2,500 per PAC and $1,500 per individual, according to the Times’ website. (Ayotte has a similar fundraising weekend scheduled at the Bretton Woods resort in New Hampshire in September, though she’s not up for re-election until 2016.)...
Ironically, a bipartisan group of people will be marching into Ayotte’s hometown of Nashua on Friday to call attention to the way money corrupts the political process... They’ve done so in the name of exposing a system in which money appears to buy access and access begets influence, regardless of how much those on the receiving end of the cash want to deny it....Perhaps Sen. Ayotte might like to drop by the Rebellion party, greet the marchers and explain her plan for getting the money and corruption out of politics.
Seacoast Online: What is our limit of injustice and wrong?
What's gnawing at me is this: If things are so bad, if we are being taken advantage of economically and ignored politically, why aren't we more angry about it? All across the globe we see thousands of people taking to the streets, putting their lives on the line to protest political corruption and economic injustice. In America, with the exception of the brief flash of passion exhibited during the original tea party uprisings in 2010 and the Occupy Wall Street movement of 2011, we quietly accept the injustices and go about our daily lives.
The New Hampshire Gazette: Will the #NHRebellion be Televised?
Larry Lessig has posted an after action report at the Atlantic. He notes that, “185 miles later, there’s the seed of an issue planted in New Hampshire, which with the right care, may finally allow this democracy to grow.
The Laconia Daily Sun: From Dixville Notch to Nashua, NH, 'Rebellion' marches in name of 'Granny D'
Lessig says ''we're not talking about people who are corrupt. We're talking about a system which is corrupt. That's what polls show people think about what's wrong with campaign financing and we want to build support to change that system..''
Granite State View, WMSN 1590, Nashua:
The Colebrook Chronicle: Group Seeking Government Changes Begins State Walk in Dixville Notch [PDF]
Schomburg said, “Everybody in my family admired Granny D and what she did, so we can’t just sit around and do nothing. We have to do what we can for what we believe in.”
The Conway Daily Sun: N.H. Rebellion Following in the Footsteps of Granny D
"I don't care about something called campaign finance reform," said Lessig. "I care about something called corruption. I think talking about this as if it's campaign finance reform is like talking about the problem of an alcoholic as if he had a liquid intake problem."
The Conway Daily Sun: Walking with the New Hampshire Rebellion
The walk across New Hampshire was only the beginning of a series of actions that Lessig and many others believe will begin to uproot a sense of helplessness in the public about corruption in Washington and how money primarily determines elections. In the 2016 primaries, all candidates who visit New Hampshire will be frequently asked by Rebellion folks: "How are you going to end the system of corruption in Washington?" Notice that question does not blame the candidates or anyone else for the corruption, it simply states the systemic nature of it.
New Hampshire Public Radio: The New Hampshire Rebellion [With Audio]
Before the 2012 Presidential election, a Gallup poll asked voters to rank presidential priorities. The poll found reducing corruption ranked second. Good jobs ranked first. Despite that, issues surrounding campaign finance reform were never discussed by major candidates. Harvard Law School Professor Lawrence Lessig wants campaign finance on the agenda the next time voters pick a President. That's why he founded what he’s calling the New Hampshire Rebellion, and leading a Granny D-inspired walk across New Hampshire.
The Dartmouth: Lessig to lead New Hampshire Rebellion
Harvard Law School professor Lawrence Lessig does not look like someone who would advocate for an uprising. Thin and bespectacled, he carries no weapons. But this week, he calls for a New Hampshire Rebellion, a march through the state to protest corruption in the American government and promote campaign finance reform.
Concord Monitor: New Hampshire Rebellion marches into town, seeking end to soft money
The group, fighting what it sees as the harmful effects of big-money contributions to candidates, will remain in Concord through tomorrow morning before moving on to Manchester to continue raising awareness, targeting the state’s 2016 presidential primary.
Concord Monitor, Letter [To the Editor]: Granny D’s message lives on
Money so massively spent is corrupts democracy. Who can seriously run for election with this status quo? The rich or those with rich friends. Soul-selling is bound to be one of the underlying ills. How does representative democracy work after this? It doesn’t. The little people are not the main focus anymore. We see it in our stuck, unproductive Congress that does manage, however, to see to corporate needs.
Welcome the walkers, join them for a stretch, think about their mission that’s putting miles on their shoes and boots for all of us. This is a Granny D gift that continues.
Concord Patch: Campaign Finance Reform Activists march through Concord
This week is the 15th anniversary of Haddock's campaign finance reform march across the United States. Advocates are holding a number of events around the state culminating in a large event in Nashua later this week, celebrating what would have been Granny D's birthday.
Salem Patch: March to Celebrate 'Granny D' Starts this Week [Also Portsmouth Patch]
Szelena Gray of NH Rebellion stated the Granite State was unique since it is the only state in the nation that offered a “right of the people to revolution within its Constitution,” Article 10, adding that "New Hampshire is in a unique position to restore integrity, transparency, and responsibility to a broken and corrupt political system. The NH Rebellion is a movement to leverage that opportunity."
Nashua Patch: A (Cold) Walk to Remember
Wednesday morning I woke with “Team NH Rebellion, “ had a quick bite and layered up for the bitter cold. We met in the lobby of the Fairfield Inn where hand warmers and other cold weather gear were passed around. Crews of vans drove to the state house where the day would begin. Jacob Brennan from Providence, RI, huddled the group inside the state house lobby and reminded walkers to use caution in such bitter cold. Drivers would be available along the route for those needing breaks for food, warmth or rest.
Nashua Patch: NH Rebellion: Following Granny D's Footsteps: [with Video]
At high noon outside the Holiday Inn in Merrimack a group of hikers assembled for the final leg of their 185-mile march – the first small but deliberate steps in a philosophical journey toward change in American politics. Event: Granny D's Birthday party
This event will be a celebration of the life and legacy of Granny D. This event will also be the finale of the New Hampshire Rebellion.
Blue Hampshire: The NH Rebellion Walk is Underway
We have started our long walk across New Hampshire this morning, beginning our two week journey across 185 miles. Along the way, we will be recruiting citizens of New Hampshire into joining our #NHRebellion.
The Wire: A long walk and a simple question: How to get money out of politics?
Your goal is to start a conversation. But is there anything else beyond that, a push for further reform? During the 2012 election, the issue of corruption was ranked as the number two issue during campaign, yet it was largely avoided during the debates and during much of the media coverage. What we hope to do is elevate this issue and hopefully have people recognize this is the first issue we have to fix. Whatever your issue is, whether it’s education, the economy, or health care, none of those issues can be resolved until we fix this. By doing this each January … we’re able to elevate the conversation high enough to make a significant difference so that when candidates are here, they can’t avoid it … whatever party ticket they’re running on.
Concord Monitor: A bipartisan effort to get big money out of politics
As I write, it’s the last leg of New Hampshire Rebellion’s walk from the top of the state to the bottom, where we’ll celebrate Granny D, as it would’ve been her 104th birthday. New Hampshire Rebellion is about ending the corrupt system we now witness each election cycle, party-affiliation no claim to innocence.
Daily Hampshire Gazette: Dave Roitman: Join in the walk against political corruption
On Jan. 23, I joined more than 70 people for the last leg of the walk that started in Dixville Notch, home of our nation’s first presidential primary, and ended in Nashua, 185 miles and 14 days later. We’re building awareness so that at every stop in the primary race candidates will have to answer, “How are you going to end the system of corruption in Washington?”
Monadnock Ledger-Transcript: We need to do more to follow Granny D
Friday would have been Doris “Granny D” Haddock’s 104th birthday, and those committed to her cause of campaign finance reform gathered in Nashua that day — some following a 185-mile, 13-day trek from Dixville Notch — not only to bring attention to the issue, but also to gather new momentum. It’s clear there are many who aren’t giving up.
Also from the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript: Following in Granny D's footsteps
Letters to the Editor:
Seacoast Online: New Hamsphire Is Not For Sale to Political Special Interests [Letter to the Editor]
We should demand no less a standard from our political system than we do our corporate one. It's time for an overhaul before the cancer spreads further. We need to have meaningful public dialogue as to how to make our political system fair for all citizens — Republicans, Democrats and independents. No less than our democracy depends on it. Please join me in saying loudly and clearly to the state legislature: Please fix this problem. Tell Concord that New Hampshire is not for sale.
Portsmouth Herald [Letter to the Editor]: Pols invited to join walk against corruption
An open letter to my representatives, Jeanne Shaheen, Carol Shea-Porter, Martha Fuller Clark, Terie Norelli and David Borden:... On Monday the 20th, I plan to join the walk for the 10 miles from Canterbury to Concord. They are asking candidates to "walk before they run." Would you join us if only for the last couple of miles into the Capital? It looks to me like New Hampshire may be leading the charge on this issue and it would be great to see you there.
Concord Monitor Letter: Corruption
Members of the New Hampshire Rebellion call the way we fund elections corrupt because it is. The enormous amount of time members of Congress spend raising money gives big donors outsized influence on national policy. That disgusts and angers a growing number of voters and members of Congress themselves and corrupts the ideal of a Congress dependent on the people alone, one person, one vote.
Concord Daily Sun: The Occasional Need To Rebel
The non-partisan New Hampshire Rebellion has a plan and 2016 Presidential candidates should take note. Capitalizing on New Hampshire’s first in the nation primary status The Rebellion is going to put the candidates feet to the fire! The strategy is simple. Hundreds of New Hampshire citizens are being trained as we speak to ask those candidates one simple and very direct question: “What will you do to end the system of corruption in Washington, D.C.?”
National Media:
The Daily Beast: D.C. Needs a Grassroots Fix That Will Come When Left and Right Find Common Ground
Walking across New Hampshire last month, recruiting citizens in the “Live Free” state to the cause of fundamental reform—a 185 mile walk that we just finished, with about a hundred crossing the finishing line: read more here—I met a man who told me he was a “conservative Republican,” which, as he explained is “spelled ‘T E A P A R T Y.’” “What’s the chance,” he asked me, “of getting one of us to take this issue on? What Tea Party candidates are with you?”
Bill Moyers: Lawrence Lessig's March to End Corruption
“If you think about every single important issue America has to address. If you’re on the right and you care about tax reform or addressing the issues of the deficit. On the left if you care about climate change or real health care reform. Whatever the issue is, if you look at the way our system functions right now you have to see that there will be no sensible reform given the way we fund campaigns,” Lessig says.
The Atlantic: How to Make Americans Care About Money Corrupting Politics
This puzzle only increased for me over the first few days of the walk, a march across the Granite State that we were calling the New Hampshire Rebellion. People knew who we were. New Hampshire is a small state with a limited media market. The one major television station had covered our walk extensively. We were on a few popular radio shows. We’d done a good job promoting the walk on the web.
The Wall Street Journal: Harvard Law Professor Sings of Corruption
Mr. Lessig, the director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University, isn’t just leading the protest march. He’s producing its soundtrack. On Monday evening, he put up a song on the lyric-annotation site, Rap Genius, that he and his band of followers have been chanting along the way.
The New Republic: Larry Lessig, Off the Grid
“I’ve never been able to have a job that I feel I can do just that one job,” Lessig says. In his current crusade, that magpie nature has become a full-blown case of tactical ADD. Lessig believes that the corrupting influence of big money is the root cause of political stagnation, the “general problem” that thwarts progress on specific ones.
The Young Turks: Cenk's 18-mile Walk [Video]
The New Hampshire Rebellion Walk is a yearly event with one goal – to enact campaign finance reform! Cenk Uygur participated this year, walking for 18 miles and representing Wolf-Pac before speaking and serving on a panel on how citizens can fight for free and fair elections. How did it go? Cenk Uygur talks about his experience, and what it meant to him.
The Atlantic: Why We're Marching Across New Hampshire to Honor Aaron Swartz
Most politicos believe it is not possible to convince ordinary voters to care about this issue. I believe these experts are wrong. Over the next two weeks, and twice more before the 2016 primary, as we walk across the state, we’ll see. And I will report back.
The Diane Rehm Show [NPR]: Four Years After Citizens United: The State of Money in Politics
In January 2010, the Supreme Court handed down their landmark Citizens United ruling, dramatically altering campaign finance in America. The decision allowed corporations and labor unions to spend unlimited money directly on politics and it created an explosion in so-called 501(c)(4)s, nonprofits named for where they fall in the tax code. As these organizations have become some of the biggest spenders in politics today, new questions are arising in D.C. and around the country about how -- and whether -- money in politics should be reined in. Four years after Citizens United: how we pay for politics and the state of campaign finance reform.
Boulder Daily Camera: A bi-partisan rebellion is coming to Colorado
What could have possibly brought individuals from such extremes together to risk confrontation with a moose or a pedestrian collision with a logging truck? Quite simply, the complete disgust that so many of us feel about the effect of organized money — from the left or the right — on politics. We live in a country where the average Congressman spends between 30 and 70 percent of his or her time raising funds for the next campaign.
The Denver Post: Colorado needs a bipartisan rebellion
What could have possibly brought individuals from such extremes together to risk confrontation with a moose or a pedestrian collision with a logging truck? Quite simply, the complete disgust that so many of us feel about the effect of organized money on politics… Lessig does not vilify members of our national legislature. Rather, he argues that our congressmen and senators act in a completely rational fashion in accordance with their incentives; and their incentive is to get elected and re-elected. On the Money: Taking It to the States
Last weekend, Harvard law professor Larry Lessig and a small band of protesters set off to walk across the state of New Hampshire demanding campaign finance reform in honor of the memory of activists Aaron Swartz and Doris Haddock (aka Granny D).Lessig says the protesters hope to recruit people to ask every presidential candidate at every New Hampshire campaign event between now and January 2016 (the next presidential election’s first primary) one question — “How will YOU end the system of corruption in DC?” NH Rebellion in the Footsteps of Granny D
Described as “the first step in rebelling against a broken system and a dysfunctional Congress,” the 185-mile trek started small, a modest version of what New Hampshire resident Doris Haddock – more famously known as “Granny D” – took on 15 years ago. At age 88, she marched from Los Angeles to Washington, DC, carrying a sign urging campaign finance reform. America took notice, and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) took up her cause. An Icy New Hampshire Walks Sparks a New Movement to Get Money Out of Politics
A recent Gallup poll found that dissatisfaction with government is the top issue for Americans across the political spectrum; Lessig hopes his campaign will provide voters on both the left and right with a solution, to make those in Congress answer to their constituents. The campaign has attracted some notice. Walking with the New Hampshire rebellion on that cold day was Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, the progressive internet talk show, and Congressman John Sarbanes (D-MD), who proposes giving voters a $50 tax credit to donate to the candidates of their choice, amplifying the voice of all Americans in a system where money and speech have become one and the same. The next day, marchers would be joined by Republican Buddy Roemer, former governor of Louisiana, who ran for president in 2012 on a platform opposing dark money.
Huffington Post: Lawrence Lessig Walking Across New Hampshire in Memory of Aaron Swartz
Harvard University Professor Lawrence Lessig is walking across New Hampshire in memory of Aaron Swartz, the computer coder and Internet freedom activist who committed suicide one year ago Saturday while facing prosecution on federal hacking charges.
Lessig's walk begins Saturday. He is trying to build a coalition called New Hampshire Rebellion to fight the corrupting influence of money in politics ahead of the crucial 2016 presidential primary in the state.
Global Post: Aaron Swartz suicide spurs friends, allies, to fight on a year later
He was talking about how political campaigns are financed. He's calling it the "New Hampshire Rebellion," (#NHRWalk), and he wrote in an article for the Atlantic that is was Swartz who had convinced him to take on this issue years ago.
Boston Globe: NH law school to hold conference on SCOTUS ruling
Titled, ‘‘Can the Corruption of Congress Be Cured?’’ the discussion will be held at from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Warren B. Rudman Center for Justice, Leadership and Public Policy at the University of New Hampshire School of Law in Concord.
Boston Globe: Group Walks Across N.H. for Campaign Reform
“My background is in root cause analysis,” Skarin said. “Working for the government, I see the potential to do cutting-edge research and development, but also the disconnects and the dysfunction.”
For all the country’s problems, he noted, the United States still can claim a budget much larger than that of any other nation. “I want to make sure my generation is not the one that threw it away.”
Boston Review: Walking on Ice to Clean Up Congress
The brilliance of this project is that the New Hampshire primaries —perhaps along with the Iowa caucuses —must be one of the few remaining moments in the U.S. presidential election process in which ordinary people have an opportunity to interact with the candidates in an un-spun and un-scripted way. It may be one of the only moments in which some citizens have the opportunity to participate by challenging candidates and engaging in dialogue with them. To organize around that short moment of authenticity is a fantastic way to harness citizen participation to inject a reform impulse into a political system that has proven to be highly resistant to this kind of change.
Larry Lessig and friends are walking the length of New Hampshirefor #NHRebellion, to reform campaign finance and try to end corruption in American politics (see Larry's excellent TED Talk about this, above). The two-week walk starts on January 11, the anniversary of Aaron Swartz's death. You can walk with Larry and the rest of the NHRebellion, or you can sponsor them (or both!).
Boston Public Radio, WGBH, Boston 89.7FM
Boston Magazine: Remembering Aaron Swartz's Legacy
On Saturday, Larry Lessig, a Harvard Law professor and close friend of Aaron’s, began a week-long walk across New Hampshire, which he’s dubbed The New Hampshire Rebellion. In a reference to the cross-country walk that activist Granny D undertook to draw attention to campaign finance reform, Lessig’s 200-mile walk aims to raise awareness about corruption in Washington, and his destination is Dixville Notch, the town where the first ballots will be cast in the 2016 presidential election. Today is day three of the walk, which you can follow on Twitter at@nhrebellion.
Followup: Losing Aaron.
The Harvard Crimson: Honoring Swartz, Lessig Walks to Raise Awareness of Campaign Finance Reform
Lessig’s walk began on Jan. 11 to honor the life of Aaron Swartz, a former Harvard fellow, a managing partner of Reddit, and an internet freedom activist who convinced Lessig that campaign finance regulations had to be reformed before other issues could be addressed.
Eagle-Tribute [Hanover, MA]: Campaign Finance Reformers March through N.H.
Campaign finance reformers, invoking the memory of Doris “Granny D” Haddock, are marching the length of the state before New Hampshire presidential primary contenders set foot on the campaign trail.
Their mission: Recruit citizens to challenge candidates about the issue during the 2016 race.
The Daily Beast: A New Hampshire Rebellion for Aaron Swartz
I wanted to find a way to mark this day. I wanted to feel it, as physically painful as it was emotionally painful one year ago, and every moment since. So I am marking it with the cause that he convinced me to take up seven years ago and which I am certain he wanted to make his legacy too. On Saturday, we begin a walk across the state of New Hampshire, to launch a campaign to bring about an end to that system of corruption that we believe infects DC. This is the New Hampshire Rebellion.
Democracy Now [Video]: Hackers Mark 1st Anniversary of Aaron Swartz Suicide
Over the weekend, a group of activists tied to Swartz also launched what they called the "New Hampshire Rebellion," a two-week walk across the state to protest government corruption. The march will end on the birthday of Doris "Granny D" Haddock, who walked across the United States at the age of 90 in a bid to support campaign finance reform.
Common Dreams: 'New Hampshire Rebellion' Kicks Off Fight Against Money in Politics
Staging what they have dubbed "the New Hampshire Rebellion," a group lead by Harvard intellectual and activist Lawrence Lessig set out for a 185 mile journey across the "live free or die" state on Saturday, calling attention to what they see as one of the most important issues in U.S. politics today—the dire need for campaign finance reform.
Politix: Aaron Swartz's Name is Being Invoked for this Cause
"Since Aaron convinced me to take up this cause, I've written three books and given more than 300 lectures about the problem. But the walk across New Hampshire is not a lecture tour. It is a chance for all of us to talk about this issue, person to person, one citizen at a time. Most politicos believe it is not possible to convince ordinary voters to care about this issue. I believe these experts are wrong. Over the next two weeks, and twice more before the 2016 primary, as we walk across the state, we'll see. And I will report back."
Mike McCarthy pretty much stepped away from political activism after Occupy Providence left Burnside Park in early 2012, but he’s making a comeback for campaign finance reform over the next two weeks as he’ll be joining Lawrence Lessig and the Rootstrikers – along with David Segal and Demand Progress – in a march from Dixville Notch to Nasshua, New Hampshire.
Yes! Magazine: Video: New Hampshire's Campaign to Make 2016 About Money in Politics
At a time when politicians spend more time fundraising than making policy, the New Hampshire Rebellion aims to make political corruption the number-one issue in the 2016 election cycle.
Mass Politics corrupted money from lobbyists
Every walker I spoke to talked about the positive reaction along the entire route, from everyone they met – not just progressives, but also Tea Party members and Libertarians, conservatives as well as liberals. All agreed this has to be fixed before we can make real progress on our other problems. The walkers I met included an 85-year-old grandfather and two 8-year-olds walking with their father. Most were in their 20s and 30s along with baby boomers.
Tech President: What Swartz, Lessig, Assange & Snowden Have to Teach Us
Now where is Larry Lessig today? Inspired by Aaron, he has been literally marching through the snows of New Hampshire, trying to spark a national movement. Is it a movement for NSA reform? No. Is it a movement for fixing the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, under which Aaron was charged? No. Is it a movement to defend net neutrality, which just took a heavy blow in our courts a few weeks ago? No.
Larry is marching in the hopes of galvanizing his fellow citizens to demand fundamental campaign finance reform, to free our representatives from their corrupting dependence on private money to run their campaigns. He is trying to strike at one of the main roots of all the evils that afflicts us in America, and to do so he is walking a very fine line, between despair and hope, skepticism and trust.
To jump-start efforts to restore our democracy, several Vermonters joined the New Hampshire Rebellion to walk 185 miles, the length of New Hampshire, together with a core group of New Hampshire residents augmented by citizens from many states across America. The walk began on Jan. 10 in Colebrook and ended Jan. 24 in Nashua.
VT Digger: I Put My Money On Public Financing of Political Campaigns
Meanwhile, I’ll gladly work with Steve and others to build support for the many other improvements necessary, in addition to public financing, to truly bring about comprehensive political reform. Let this be a robust discussion, involving all Vermonters, with each of us bringing our best arguments to the table as we strive to reach consensus.
English International Media:
Epoch Times: Aaron Swartz Death Anniversary Prompts March Against Corruption
Called the New Hampshire Rebellion, the march is also on the 15th anniversary of part of the walk of Granny D. The 88-year-old in 1999 walked across the United States with a sign that said “Campaign Finance Reform” on her chest.
The Guardian: Hacking of MIT Website Marks First Anniversary of Aaron Swartz's Death
The academic and author Lawrence Lessig is leading a protest march in memory of Swartz. The marchers set off on Saturday, aiming to walk across New Hampshire, the state which will host the first primary of the 2016 presidential election, to promote a campaign against “the system of corruption in Washington”.
The Guardian: I served my country in uniform. I won't stand by and watch corruption ruin it.
I care not at all whether you look like me or not, live and love like me or not, believe like me or not, or vote as I do, either. So, if you must, consider me a fool for the faith I have in you. However, if you can not hope at all to bring this system to account, a system of corruption which is bankrupting our very spirit, stealing the birthright of our children, then what remains?
Al-Jazeera America: Harvard Prof. embarks on 185-mile trek to battle campaign corruption
Harvard professor Lawrence Lessig hopes to take up Haddock's unfinished business Saturday as he starts off on a smaller version of her walk. Lessig will trek 185 miles in Haddock’s home state of New Hampshire, hoping to convince voters there to catapult campaign finance to a top-tier issue in the 2016 presidential election, where the Granite State plays an outsize role as an early primary state. He has dubbed the effort “the New Hampshire rebellion.”
Other International Media:
Le Monde: Lawrence Lessig : « Les citoyens, et non les lobbys, doivent financer la politique » [en Français] [ENGLISH TRANSLATION by the author]
L'omniprésence de l'argent rend notre pays ingouvernable. Quel que soit le sujet que l'on juge essentiel de traiter (l'environnement ou la régulation de la finance à gauche, la dette ou la fiscalité à droite), il n'y aura pas de réforme d'ampleur tant que nous n'aurons pas touché au financement de nos campagnes électorales.
Die New Hampshire Rebellion ist ein 300 Kilometer langer Marsch durch den gleichnamigen US-Bundesstaat. Auf dem Weg wollen die Aktivisten so viele Menschen wie möglich zum Mitmachen bewegen. Der Marsch wird vom Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig angeführt. Zu dem Protest inspiriert wurde Lessig durch die politischen Aktivisten Doris Haddock und Aaron Swartz. Vom Wunderkind zum Schutzheiligen [in Deutsch]
Eine Woche lang versucht er eine insgesamt 200 Kilometer lange Strecke zu bewältigen, im Idealfall mit einer wachsenden Schar an MitläuferInnen. Startpunkt war Dixville-Notch, die Stadt, in der als erstes die Stimmen für die Präsidentschaftswahl 2016 ausgezählt werden. 10 motivi per ricordare Aaron Swartz [in lingua italiana]
Un anno dopo, per ricordare il suo impegno come attivista, il suo mentore e amico Lawrence Lessig, ex-avvocato esperto in diritto d’autore e direttore dell’Edmond J. Safra for Ethics ad Harvard, farà iniziare la marcia della campagna NH Rebellion, che attraverserà a piedi in 13 giorni tutto il New Hampshire, come mezzo di protesta contro la corruzione delle campagne elettorali presidenziali americane. Perché Aaron è diventato un simbolo di attivismo fuori e dentro la Rete e dobbiamo ricordarlo anche noi?
Blogs, Podcasts, & Advocacy Pages: Head Stamper Ben Cohen Walks 16 Miles in Rebellion
Ben Cohen, co-founder of Ben & Jerry's and Head Stamper of the, and his dog Riley walked alongside organizer and spokesperson of the NH Rebellion Lawrence Lessig. Ben showed up to support the efforts of the NH Rebellion and to stand in solidarity with the people of New Hampshire who are working on the movement to #GetMoneyOut of Politics.
Lessig undertook this walk to hammer home the idea he presented on the TED2013 stage: that the American electoral system is inherently corrupt, giving outrageous influence to the very small percentage of people who give money to political campaigns. But Lessig’s idea is even bigger than that: he believes this system can change.
Walking is a grand old way of spreading a message and gathering followers. It's the Jesus method. Imagine Jesus augmented with tweeting and TED talks and all the other mechanisms of modern media. A Midwest Republican Senator Crusades Against the Corruption of Money In Politics
On January 22, during a frigid 18-mile march from Concord, New Hampshire to neighboring Manchester, I joined Harvard Law professor Lawrence Lessig, his organization Rootstrikers, and a new group calling itself the New Hampshire Rebellion, whose goal is to get political candidates to speak to what Lessig calls “the system of corruption in Washington.” - See more at:
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation: A Rebellion in New Hampshire
Thus when Larry Lessig described the plans behind the New Hampshire Rebellion and asked us for a small grant to support efforts to engage the public on the importance of campaign finance reform, we said we would be glad to help by donating to the public charity serving as the project’s fiscal sponsor. We have been impressed by the grassroots attention he has attracted to this issue; his TED Talk on this topic, for example, has 1.3 million views.
Daniel Weeks [Harvard University]: Political Dimensions of Poverty, NHRebellion Walk [Audio]
Daniel Weeks, a Non-Resident Fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, discusses the political dimensions of persistent poverty in America and presents solutions to overcome the systematic disenfranchisement of millions of poor people in the democratic process – including the upcoming NHRebellion walk across New Hampshire for campaign finance reform, led by E.J. Safra Center Director Lawrence Lessig.
Ron Suskind [Harvard University]: Interview with Larry Lessig [Audio]
In this exclusive podcast, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author Ron Suskind interviews Larry Lessig, HLS Professor and Director of the EJ Safra Center for Ethics, about the upcoming New Hampshire Rebellion March.
David Macadam, The Oligarch Kings: New Hampshire Rebellion
Take Lawrence Lessig, a Law Professor at Harvard who is planning to walk across New Hampshire (the long way 185 miles) to publicise his campaign against the corruption of Congress by the influence of moneyed lobbyists.
Vice: Will Elizabeth Warren Purge American Politics of Corruption?
She may have been inspired by her old pal at Harvard, Larry Lessig, who spearheaded the New Hampshire Rebellion, a group that just staged a 185-mile march across the state intended to draw attention to corruption and honor the memory of Lessig's friend, hacktivist Aaron Swartz. The idea is to get legislators to spend less of their time soliciting donations from shady business titans and more of it at potluck dinners, perhaps thereby making them better attuned to the needs of the lower classes
Andy Towle: Aaron Swartz Suicide Spurs Friends, Allies to Fight On a Year Later
On Saturday, Harvard Law School Professor Lawrence Lessig took to the streets, walking his way to New Hampshire, as he put it, to "launch a campaign to bring about an end to the system of corruption that we believe infects DC." Speak Up, Speak Out, and Think Bigger: Honoring Aaron Swartz
But, Swartz's father is still waiting for an apology from MIT for their hypocritical approach to the prosecution of Swartz and a prominent senator is pushing to expand the cybercrime law prosecutors used to come down hard on Swartz. One year later, where are we?
BostInno: Artists & Activists Commemorate the One Year Anniversary of Aaron Swartz's Death
Harvard Law School Professor Lawrence Lessig, a long-time friend of Swartz, has spoken out against MIT's actions, as well, and will start walking across the state of New Hampshire on Saturday to honor Swartz. The walk will symbolize the beginning of the New Hampshire Rebellion — an attempt at putting an end to the system of corruption the group thinks runs rampant in Washington D.C.
Gary Yarus/The Recovering Politician: The New Hampshire Rebellion
Staging what they have dubbed “the New Hampshire Rebellion,” a group led by Harvard professor, author and activist Lawrence Lessig set out for a 185 mile journey across the “live free or die” state calling attention to what they see as one of the most important issues in U.S. politics today—the dire need for campaign finance reform.
Raven's Call: New Hampshire Rebellion Fights Money in Politics
According to Rootstrikers, because of the high cost of elections, politicians are beholden to funders. The organization calls this political corruption, not in the criminal sense of outright bribery, but in the sense that politicians are more likely to represent funders’ interests rather than citizens’ interests.
Popular Resistance: Two Week New Hampshire Democracy Rebellion
I will do whatever it takes to fix the corruption in Washington and restore representative democracy in America. That’s why I’m marching in one of the coldest months of the year in one of the coldest states in the nation to make a point: our government should be of, for, and by the people, not bought and sold by outside organizations and billionaire businessmen.
185 Miles of Empowerment: Walking the NH Rebellion
At the beginning of the NH Rebellion walk I believed that voters were apathetic when it came to fixing our political system. Yet, being apathetic implied that voters didn’t care about the future of our children and the generations to come. As I walked along the 185 mile route through the great “Granite State,” however, my encounters with residents suggested that nothing could be further from the truth.
I encourage you to read all about it. It's a lot of different people from across the political spectrum: Republicans, Democrats, Undeclared, Occupiers and Free Staters.
New Hampshire is ground zero in the effort. Lessig writes, “Many of us fighting for corruption reform believe this: Only New Hampshire can save us.”
Democracy Chronicles: March in New Hampshire Against System of Corruption
New Hampshire is in a unique position to restore integrity, transparency, and responsibility to a broken and corrupt political system. The NH Rebellion is a movement to leverage that opportunity. The facts are simple: New Hampshire holds the first presidential primary, the voters of New Hampshire are fiercely independent, and New Hampshire is one of the only states that has an express right of the people to revolution within its Constitution. These three facts have led to the launch the NH Rebellion.
Democracy Chronicles: Election Reform Movement Walks New Hampshire
New Hampshire is in a unique position to restore integrity, transparency, and responsibility to a broken and corrupt political system. The NH Rebellion is a movement to leverage that opportunity. The facts are simple: New Hampshire holds the first presidential primary, the voters of New Hampshire are fiercely independent, and New Hampshire is one of the only states that has an express right of the people to revolution within its Constitution. These three facts have led the us to launch the NH Rebellion.
Public Campaign: Why I'm joining the N.H. Rebellion
As Franklin said, keeping our republic a government of, by, and for the people is a task that’s up to us. The big money special interests who Congress currently depends on won’t give up power easily or by choice. It will come from action and agitation at the grassroots, people across the country standing up and demanding that their voices be heard.
Pinkham Notch, NH — On Saturday January 18th Ben and Jerry's founder Ben Cohen will join the eighth day of an 185 mile walk across New Hampshire for campaign finance reform led by Harvard Law School professor Lawrence Lessig. The goal of the New Hampshire Rebellion is to recruit more citizens of New Hampshire to ask just one simple question of all 2016 presidential candidates: How will you end the system of corruption in Washington?
According to Lawrence Lessig, "When we began planning this project just ten weeks ago, we never imagined it'd take off so quickly and finish so strong. Like Granny D, we believe that unless we end the corrupting influence of money in politics, no important issue will be resolved sensibly. If you live along the corridor from Concord to Nashua, we invite anyone to walk with us, even for just an hour. "
On Friday January 24th, the New Hampshire Rebellion's 185 mile walk down the length of the Granite State to demand an end to corruption in Washington will end in Nashua, NH with a celebration of the life and legacy of Doris "Granny D" Haddock. Granny D inspired the NHRebellion with her cross-country walk for campaign finance reform 15 years ago.
InZane Times: NH Rebellion Reaches Laconia
After an hour of circling Laconia and Meredith I intercepted the NH Rebellion walkers on Parade Road in the northern reaches of Laconia at about noon today. There were several dozen of them, perhaps half of whom had set out from Dixville Notch a week ago. Others joined later, or were like me just there for the day.
The Stars Hollow Gazette: A Walk Across New Hampshire For Aaron
Today marks the one year anniversary of the death of Aaron Swartz, the computer coder and Internet freedom activist, who committed suicide while facing prosecution on federal hacking charges. So, today, in Aaron's memory and for the causes he believed in, Harvard University Professor Lawrence Lessig is walking across New Hampshire The Roots of Democracy
I love the New Hampshire Rebellion Walk, a new project by the indefatigable and remarkably public-spirited activist Lawrence Lessig. He and a gang of “Rootstrikers” — I’ll explain the term in two shakes — are walking across New Hampshire (in January, for God’s sake) as part of a campaign for removing money from politics in the US.
Village 14: Newton's going to the New Hampshire Rebellion
We all know what’s happening in Washington. It’s becoming more and more difficult to legislate anything in the public interest. The recent court decision against net neutrality was a final breaking point with me because every analyst has stated that the service providers who want changes that benefit them rather than consumers are simply too politically connected for Congress to do anything about it. America has become far weaker and more divided because of this. We are fast losing control of the government that is supposed to represent us.
Call A Convention: Take a Walk
Fifteen years ago, Doris Haddock, aka "Granny D," started a walk. This year, on January 10, NH Rebellion is going to finish it, walking across the state of New Hampshire in the cold January air to ask citizens — whether conservative, or liberal, whether Independent, Republican, or Democrat — to help get every presidential candidate at every event in New Hampshire to answer one simple question:
"How are YOU going to end the corruption in Washington?"
Democracy Chronicles: NHRebellion Finishes March Against Money in Politics
Several hundred revelers came together to celebrate the completion of a 185-mile trek, from Dixville Knox to Nashua, pulled off by a dedicated core group of walkers over the course of two weeks who were joined along the way by those who rotated in and out of formation from stop to stop.
Medici Princess: The New Hampshire Rebellion
Lawrence Lessig has set to walk the length of New Hampshire in 14 days in an effort to make the 1st state to cast primary ballots in 2016 force the candidates to address real campaign finance reform. Vanessa Blaylock & Merriam Galaxy (above) couldn't be in RL New Hampshire for today's 10.2 mile walk from Canterbury to Concord, so they decided to organize a virtual walk instead. And they provided the reason to launch my treadmill gym!
Coffee Party USA: Patriots Walk Across New Hampshire to Fight Money in Politics
In the video below, Prof. Lessig announces that this walk is the first of three, annual walks to make sure that government corruption is an election issue by the time the 2016 presidential primaries reach New Hampshire.
Buddy Roemer: "I am honored to tell you that The Reform Project is joining the New Hampshire Rebellion