We need your help!
Please join us for a Lobby Day on January 16, 2017. We will meet at 4 Park St., Suite 304 at 10 am for coffee, bagels and discussion regarding bills we are advancing that are being heard on the 16th. We will have fact sheets, talking points and literature.
Then we will head over to the Legislative Office Building to sign in and testify.
HB 1773 on Civic Dollars is at 10:50 am in LOB Room 308
HB 1368 regarding closing the LLC loophole is at 11:30 in Room 308 and
HB 1667 prohibiting business and unions from contributing directly is at 12 noon in Room 308
We need a large showing of people to show up and if you can, to testify. We will provide lunch back at 4 Park St. after the hearings.
Please RSVP to [email protected] if you can make it.
January 16, 2018 at 10:00am - 1pm
Legislative Office Building