Route Weather Forecast
Please take cold weather/wet weather precautions on the walk.
Field Manager: Ellen Read, [email protected]
If you need a ride or can offer a ride to or from the walk route, please contact the field manager listed on this page.
Sunday, January 18:
Day 1 – Portsmouth to Durham
Today’s Total Mileage: 11 miles
Estimated Walk Time: 4 hours
Starting Point: Market Square, 1 Congress St., Portsmouth
Route: Market Street/Woodbury Ave north through Portsmouth and Newington,
Route 4 west through Dover to Durham
End Point & Lodging: Community Church of Durham, 17 Main Street, Durham, NH 03824
Parking: Shuttling to and from the Pease Base C&J Long-Term Park and Ride will be provided
- 7:00 AM – PARK at Pease Base C&J Long-Term Park and Ride, Shuttle to Start Point
- 8:00 AM – Breakfast and Meeting (Breakfast provided by South Church and Panera Dover,
- 9:00 AM – Kick-Off at Market Square
- Guest Speakers Senator Martha Fuller-Clark and Phil Nazzaro, John Rauh and Dan Innis
- LUNCH – Emery Farm, Durham
- 2:00 PM – ARRIVE
- 3:00 PM – Debrief
- 4:00 PM - Dinner (provided by Newmarket Community Church)
- 5:00 PM - Evening Event
- Guest Speaker Rev. Larry Brickner-Wood, Play: Granny D: The Power of One by Dixie and John Tymitz
- 7:00 PM -- Rides to alternate Lodging or Pease Base Park n’ Ride
Monday, January 19:
Day 2 – Durham to Northwood
Today’s Total Mileage: 16.5 miles
Estimated Walk Time: 6 hours
Starting Point: Community Church of Durham, Durham
Route: Route 4 west through Durham, Lee, Barrington, and Nottingham, to Northwood
End Point & Lodging: Northwood Congregational Church
Parking: Community Church of Durham parking lot, Shuttling back to parking lot will be provided
- 8:00 AM – Breakfast (provided by Newmarket Community Church and Panera Dover) and Meeting
- Invocation provided by Larry Brickner-Wood
- 9:00 AM – DEPART
- LUNCH – on the road, either partnering church or from RV
- 4:00 PM – ARRIVE, Debrief
- 5:30 PM – Community Potluck Dinner
- 6:30 PM – Evening Event
- Northwood Congregational Service including presentation from MLK activist and Jazz/Blues musician TJ Wheeler and Play: Go, Granny Go!
- 8:00 PM – Rides to alternate Lodging or Community Church of Durham Parking Lot
Tuesday, January 20:
Day 3 – Northwood to Chichester
Today’s Total Mileage: 11 miles
Estimated Walk Time: 4 hours
Starting Point: Northwood Congregational Church, Northwood
Route: Route 4 west through Northwood and Epsom, to Chichester
End Point: Furniture Discounters, Chichester
Event Venue & Lodging: Epsom Public Library
Parking: Northwood Congregational Church Parking Lot, Shuttling back to Parking Lot will be provided
- 8:00 AM – Breakfast (provided by Panera Concord) and Meeting
- 9:00 AM – DEPART
- LUNCH – on the road, either partnering businesses or from RV
- 3:00 PM – ARRIVE
- 4:00 PM – Debrief and Dinner
- 5:00 PM - Evening Event
- Guest Speaker Author Hedrick Smith (Who Stole the American Dream?), Bird-dog Training provided by AFSC
- 8:00 PM – Rides to alternate lodging or back Northwood Congregational Church
Wednesday, January 21: Day 4 – Chichester to Concord
Today’s Total Mileage: 8 miles
Estimated Walk Time: 2.5 hours
Starting Point: Furniture Discounters, Chichester
Route: Route 4 west through Chichester and Pembroke,
Route 9/Loudon Road to Concord
End Point: Capitol Center for the Arts / State House, Concord
Parking: Shuttling back to Pease Base C&J Long-Term Park and Ride, and other lots will be provided
- 8:00 AM – Breakfast (provided by Panera Concord) and Meeting
- 9:00 AM – DEPART
- 12:00 PM – ARRIVE, Lunch and Granny D Play
- 1:30 PM? – March as group to State House
- 2:00 PM? – State House Event