Richard Stuart

  • Sign the petition: Voting Rights

    Please VETO SB3 and Protect NH Voting Rights

    GOAL: 146 signatures

    Governor Sununu,

    • Our democracy is best when everyone participates  It shouldn’t matter if you’re a lifelong Granite Stater or recently settled in our great state. What matters is that we have an engaged, civically minded community.
    • Instead of paving the way for eligible people to participate in our elections, New Hampshire's SB 3 puts up more red tape so that eligible people have a hard time casting their ballots.
    • No local election officials supported the bill after hours of testimony and they were not engaged in drafting of the legislation. SB3 is designed to jam polling location lines, target voters in transition and undermine our popular same day registration system.
    • I urge you to support secure automatic voter registration and the implementation of electronic poll booksWe should be ensuring that all honest votes are counted, not imposing endless bureaucracy.
    • Electronic poll books save cities and towns taxpayer dollars and reduce lines at polling places.  Automatic Registration decreases inaccuracies in voter records and saves cities and towns taxpayer dollars.
    • I urge you to veto SB3 and support modernization to keep New Hampshire First in the Nation.
    • Call Governor Sununu at 603-271-2121 and tell him NO on SB3
    Add signature

  • Tell the 2016 candidates to #FightBigMoney with the We the People Pledge! Let's make government work for the people!

    Take the Pledge!

    Rebels, it's time to act again! Let the Presidential candidates know that you want them to work for you, not special interest Super PACs and billionaires. When you take the We the People Pledge, your signature will be delivered–in person–to the Presidential candidates before the NH Primary. Make your voice heard and sign the Pledge below today!

    I call on all candidates to champion the We the People reform agenda to restore government “of, by, and for the people.” 

    1. Expose secret donors and require full transparency
    2. Ban bribes from lobbyists and government contractors
    3. Ban Super PACs and overturn Citizens United
    4. Establish small-donor, citizen-funded elections
    5. End gerrymandering and modernize voter registration
    6. Close loopholes and enforce campaign finance laws


    GOAL: 6,263 signatures

    Only your name will be displayed on the NH Rebellion Pledge website. All other information is private.

    Add signature

  • you are all amazing!!! So fun to meet up with you in SAndwich to Meredith.

former NH legislature, Psychotherapist, gardener and intrepid traveler
Donate on behalf of Richard Stuart: