Walk With Us

The original march for reform began fifteen years ago, with the feet of an 88 year-old woman named Doris Haddock. Her march across the country was to end the political corruption behind how we pay for campaigns in this country. Today, we continue her march, and those of many others who have been fighting for real reform.

For fourteen days in January, we will walk the roads of New Hampshire, reaching out to citizens, meeting with politicians and asking them the question, "What will you do to end this corruption?" Covering nearly 200 miles in the dead of winter, we will need all the help we can get. This will be a community effort and we're asking for your help.  

WALK WITH US: If even for a few hours, you can register here so we know when and where you'd like to join us. 

HOUSE US: If you'd be willing to put us up for a night close to our route, you can sign up here

CONTRIBUTE: If you can't walk with us but still want to support the effort with a contribution, you can do that here

The Route

We're covering nearly 200 miles from Dixville Notch all the way down to Nashua. We'll be stopping in 14 towns along the way. Is yours one of them? See our route here!


Will you join us for our events along the way? We're still planning many of them and will continue to update them as more events and their details become available. We hope you'll come by in the evening after our long walks!  


We need all the help we can get. Whether you want to walk with us, help us find a place to stay in your neck of the woods, host an event in your own town, or assist with one of our keystone events, LET US KNOW HERE

Hang a Poster

One of the best ways to help us is to spread the word in your communities about this march by hanging a poster in your local coffee shops, community boards or even a dozen street posts! We've got 'em and they're easy to download and print in just a few minutes.