"All politics is local." -- Thomas P. O'Neill
After Thursday's public release of the "We the People" Pledge to Fight Big Money, fifteen NH Rebels marched on nearby campaign offices to deliver the We the People candidate pledge, resulting in at least one angry phone call from a campaign manager. We must be doing our job, wouldn't you say?
Now we need YOUR help in getting the word out. Will you help us take the Pledge to the streets of your town?
Help us distribute our new signs
The signs pictured at right are our cheeky new messages, designed to cut through the clutter of campaign signs and get people to sign the "We The People Pledge" which we are hand delivering to the candidates in February. We need a volunteer to be a local "wholesale" distributors in your town. You would:
1) Keep a supply of signs at your house, so we can send people to you who want signs
2) Recruit a local activist who knows the best places for signs in your area and can deploy them at crossroads and high traffic public places.
3) Keep in touch with the Rebellion staff to get resupplied and keep us up to date with your activities.
If you can help us get the word out, send an email to Deputy Director Brian Beihl, [email protected].
Collect Signatures and Get the Fight Big Money agenda on your community's town meeting warrant
By now, you should have signed our "We the People" Pledge to Fight Big Money. Similar wording has been developed as a warrant article for our smaller towns to bring before your town meeting next year. We need volunteers from each town to stand at the local market or transfer station to collect signatures. Our past experience is that once these measures are on the ballot, they pass 75% of the time!
Two goals here: Demonstrate widespread voter support for campaign finance reforms proposed to the legislature, and to spread the word among voters about the Fight Big Money politics agenda.
This is a short-term volunteer commitment with BIG value to the movement. If you can help, sign up on the Warrant Article Initiative page and learn more about the process.
Help us distribute our new Million-Dollar Bill!
Our new "million dollar bill" card is designed to drive pledge signers to the "We the People" pledge to Fight Big Money. We'll be placing these on counters, table tops, college campuses and public spaces for people to learn about our cause and sign the pledge. If you'd like to help get these out in your community, send an email to Deputy Director Brian Beihl,[email protected], and we'll get you a few million!
The "We the People" campaign is in full swing! Be a part! Be a force! Be the change!