Since day one of the New Hampshire Presidential Primary, we have consistently reached out all the presidential candidates to start a serious discussion about how to end the corrupting influence of big money in politics.
Democratic and Republican candidates alike have responded on the stump or behind the scenes, and this weekend Hillary Clinton sat down with our executive director Daniel Weeks in Nashua, NH to discuss her reform agenda. We appreciate Secretary Clinton's time and congratulate her once again on the ambitious plans she unveiled in September, with input from NH Rebellion and other reform groups.
Now we urge the Secretary to make those plans a centerpiece of her presidential campaign, by connecting the dots for voters between big money and the many big challenges she proposes to address, from climate change to equal opportunity to affordable healthcare. Time and time again, we are reminded that without real reform of our campaign finance system, neither the Democrats nor the Republicans will be able to meaningfully deliver on their promises for America.
We look forward to hearing more on the stump from Secretary Clinton and to future such meetings with the other presidential candidates.