Year Two, Day Two

Dixville Notch Route Day 2: Errol to Milan
21 miles, 18 walkers

img_029.jpgLast year, day two - from Errol to Milan - was one of the most difficult days of the walk, covering a distance of 21 miles while still in the freezing North Country.  This year was no different.  Few updates from the walkers themselves today (because of a combination of being in a cellphone dead zone and the fact that it was just too cold to stop and take pictures.  

Indeed, Nick Reid, a member of the Concord Monitor Staff who is making the trip with the walkers has entitled one of his blog posts: "It sure is cold out here."  You can keep up with Nick at the Concord Monitor's "Money Trail" blog. 

Speaking of the Monitor, the launch made the front page both of the Monitor's website and the print edition, as verified by the photo on the left one of our walkers, Andrew, took. You can keep up with the walkers' photos live via our Lensmob album at  

New Hampshire isn't the only place that people are getting excited - check out this video from Bruce Skarin (one of last year's walkers) as he walks in solidarity as a virtual walker this year in Massachusetts.